Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rock On

There is something so relaxing walking along a lakeshore ....
He can't resist collecting....
He will bag these.......take them home.....for what I am not sure....
next year I'll put them in the driveway...and he never misses them:)
We've been doing this for years!!
But like always ...times like these are priceless!!


  1. My mother picked up rocks, too, wherever she went. Eventually, she came to call them "Leave 'er rights." Translated: leave them right there!

  2. i am a rock collector as well. i know where all my rocks are. what a cute story!! we do love them, we really love them (the guys)!!

  3. Your story has me giggling this morning!

  4. Rocks are few and far between where I live! So, I would be picking up every darn one of them if I could.

  5. I agree, the lake shore is a wonderful retreat! Such beautiful pebbles!

  6. I can just imagine the peace and quiet on that beachside walk. The scenery is totally beautiful too.
    I love how you put the stones in the driveway and he never notices - really made me chuckle :))

  7. Oh what a sweet story! It made me giggle but I won't be sharing it with my mister! *lol*
    I have collected rocks and fossils from all over the world for over 50 years. It is part of the lakeshore relaxing for me...I have finally set some of them free around my garden pond and put others (that I am not ready to part with yet) in a very large glass vase in my entrance hall....seemed silly to have them spend eternity in the basement in bags and old tobacco tins! *lol*
    He has some gorgeous ones in his hands there, beautifully captured by you!

  8. I love to collect rocks from beaches. All the special ones I collected from the beaches on Vancouver Island are in a container on the front porch and the grandkids love to sort through them.

  9. Ooh - I like those small smooth rocks and could use some myself right here. Love, sandie


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Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.