Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Quilts for Kids

I finally got around to joining a quilting club in town. I joined  one where you make quilts for children that are sent to hospitals all across Canada for sick children. I have quilted...a bit, but compared to the ladies in the group I feel like a real novice!
I picked out my pattern and fabric.
 The pattern is called easy one!
The quilt was made in rows...
It was fun to see how it all went together.
The top is done and I  have the batting and backing together...
I am going to attempt to machine quilt it... 
I'm a bit nervous...but we will see how it goes!


  1. I love it!

    Nothing wrong with easy patterns (I use them all the time) because the recipient only sees the love that went into the project.

  2. It's beautiful bev, you are doing a really wonderful thing!! And I'm sure you will love the group, my knitting group is full of really special ladies!!


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National Puppy Day

Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.