Wednesday, June 27, 2012

This week in my garden....

the first of the Day Lilies started to bloom....
the strawberries started to ripen...
Between the rains...we were able to pick a bowl....

Sunday, June 24, 2012


For those of you who have followed me for awhile...back in January, 
I had mentioned that Hubby and I had signed up for a Triathlon...

I was going to swim and run...
Hubby was going to bike...

Well time changes things and over the course of the year...our interest sorta dwindled... 
Then I hurt my running was OUT!
We thought that confirmed our dwindled interest...

BUT one thing I have learnt in life...

that if you push yourself to do don't feel like doing...
your always are thankful you did it!

I talked to my granddaughter and she agreed to run...
So our Two B&B team...was actually
The swimmer...
The Biker
The Runner
Our medals to say...we DID IT!
And we're very glad we did it!! 
hmmm we thought we would never do it again..
but you never know...
It was such a wonderful day!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sky Watch

Sky's over Montana
I love watching the clouds...
Wondering what they will do??

Will it clear ...
or will it storm??

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Walk thru the Flower Beds...

It seems that every week...the rains come
But when the sun comes out and I can check out my flowers beds...
This is what is happening in them...
The last of the tulips are in their final days.

 The perennials have filled out the flower beds...some are starting to bloom.
The honeysuckle bushes are in their prime
Along with the Iris...
and the Columbine...
Now if the rain stays away...we could be outside and enjoy the blooms...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Weekend Reflections

May the God of hope, 
fill you with all joy and peace 
as you trust in Him,
 so that you may overflow with hope 
by the power of the Holy Spirt. 
Romans 15:13

We often say we believe in God...
but are we TRUSTING HIM in ALL our situations...?

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Friday Fence with character...

At sorta looked like just an old fence...
 in need of repairs.....
 but the fence posts...
 everyone was different...
 Hubby could of taken pictures of every post..
He is a wood man...
I don't think we have every seen a fence with so much character..

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Biking the Back Roads..

It's been a few years since we've biked the back roads.
  We pasted many farm yards 
(with fences and barns that I will someday post!)
The scenery was beautiful!
Then you pass this... 
and wonder how it ended up in the middle of the beauty?
I was told the road had rolling hills...
and that they were...
At times I wondered if the rolling would ever stop!
The reward half way thru the trip was worth it!!
Now we just had to get back home... 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Beach Time

Last week the weather gave our family some beach days...
(It has rained all weekend)...
Memories were made...
Cousin Time...
Sister time...
Uncle - nephew time...
 Fishing Time...
I think they all caught something...but it was a catch and release day...

Hubby's perfect beach day...

Hopefully this week is Beachy!!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Weekend Reflections

How simple life can be...
If only we remember...

Linking with...

Giving glory to God through our photos!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Yard work...

The hard spring yard work is done.
The Raspberry Patch was full of Quack Grass...
and bushes were growing wild.
Hubby dug up wayward plants and pulled all the grass he could, 
(I hope I get Raspberries this year??) (Click for last years crop)
The leaves are starting to turn green...
The strawberries  are flowering...

 It looks like we could have a good crop of apples...
Our granddaughter visited...
she's 4...
She said to her dad...
There's flowers on the tree...
There's suppose to be apples...
 Isn't it amazing...
these beautiful blossoms...
Will turn to apples!
I love this time of year...when the weather has finally warmed...
the leaves are out and everything starts coming back to life!

National Puppy Day

Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.