Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Wordless or Wordful Wednesday

Are they enjoying these or what??

If I leave my camera laying around....
I find pictures like these on it...
Who can resist a face like this?
 Linking with...

Better in Bulk

Monday, July 29, 2013

Miscellany Monday

 I've been gone for awhile...but summer fun has happened....

We've watched the parade in our hometown...

Marching bands...
Returned to the city and enjoyed K-Days....it had been 41 years since the first and only other time I have gone here...

Enjoyed 'Taste of Edmonton".....42 restaurants..plus 2 food trucks...set up food tents and you can taste their great food!!...
What summer fun have you been up to??

Linking with...

lowercase letters

Friday, July 12, 2013

Random Five Friday....

Linking with Nancy at A Rural Journal

1. We've had some beautiful warm days with week...but often after a warm day, we get seveve thunderstorms...rain and hail!

2. At dusk we took a walk to the Legislature Buildings... it was a beautiful warm evening...on our way home we craved an ice cream...the stores were closed...our only hope of ice cream was Wendy's Drive Thru...with some determination we were able to 'walk -thru' and get our ice cream at 11:15 pm...

3. I have a habit of every morning lighting a candle to burn...something happened that I have never done before... I got home from shopping ...oops I had left the candle on. Now I have to second think that habit!!!

4. In seven weeks it will one year since we moved to the city....we have some decisions to make  ...we do have a home back in our home town now...so in the next couple weeks we will have to decide what we want our life to look like this fall....

5. Next week...we'll be on holidays...it will be a working holiday....without the internet...so I may be away from my computer for awhile!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Tuesday Around the World...

 Urban Gardening

Miscellany Monday

Walterdale Bridge...100 years old...going to be replaced...
I realize old bridges need to be replace...but there is just something about those old metal bridges...and I love the colour of this one!

 The water was cool...the temps were not that warm but it was a great weekend to be out and about!
We attended a Dinner Theatre..... 'Driving Miss Dasiy"
Michael Learned starred as Miss Daisy...
she was the mom in the Walton's...did you watch the Walton's?

The Street Festival is on Downtown Edmonton... I have never been to one before.....We walked down to see the happenings a couple evenings.... the events start at 11:00 am and run until 11:00 pm...

Well I'm off to start another week!!
Linking with...
lowercase letters

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Inspired Sunday

I pass this catherdral when I am out for my walks... 
Have never been inside of it...but it looks 'grand' outside....
I've looked it up on the internet and the ..pictures of the inside are beautiful
Some facts are...
St. Joseph's Cathedral Basilica is a minor basilica in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. The basilica, located just west of the downtown core is the cathedral of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton and is one of the largest churches in Edmonton. It is the only basilica in Alberta.
Of architectural note are the 60 stained glass windows depicting scenes from the Old and the New Testament.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Randon Friday Five...

Linking with Nancy at Random Five Friday!

Well it is Friday... Yah...time for Random Five Friday...

1. It was a short week....as Monday -  Canada celebrated Canada Day...
 2. The down size of the long weekend was that we spent it working and never got to enjoy the beautiful warm weekend...I feel like I missed the holiday!!
 3.  Today the Calgary Stampeded opened it gates...
the flood waters that covered that area didn't stop the The Greatest Show on Earth!
As a child growing up in Calgary we never missed a parade for the Calgary Stampede!
4. Looking forward to this weekend...not to much on our agenda...  
markets...friends coming to town...
 5.  It was another week I didn't have my camera out ....
I never posted the last set of GD 2's pictures...
I used her pictures for this Random Friday's Post! 
Have a wonderful weekend!!

National Puppy Day

Miss Pepperโ€ฆ..she changed our lifeโ€ฆ But life wouldnโ€™t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always โ€˜tryโ€™s๐Ÿ˜ณโ€™ to please.