Monday, July 11, 2016


Always loved this plant....back in Alberta....the season is not long enough to grow it in abundance. Here in the Kootenay's the plant thrives!!!

 You can decorate with it even as you dry it.
I'm taking advantage of all the Lavender....and enjoying it in my home as well as outside!


  1. ooooh a little peak inside of the new little abode. this is so beautiful, great ideas and my color, i like the mirror!!!

  2. so pretty, i bet is smell just divine. have you been kayaking lately? we went monday. try to get it in once a week. great exercise. ( :

  3. I love lavender and love catching up on your blog...finally!


Thanks for dropping by...

National Puppy Day

Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.