Wednesday, October 12, 2016

More Reno' fireplace needed

So our Fireplace insert needed replacing....A year ago when we moved in...
I painted it...
The last thing I wanted was more reno's....but cooler weather is coming and hubby wanted a good working fireplace...
I cringed as they took out the old and put in the new...  I'm was not ready for more reno's!!

It was deeper than the old one...

When we had visited our son the week before he had taken this out of a house he was renovating....
 Which we decided we MAY be able to use...
It added the extra depth we needed! Within a day... my handy hubby...had our fireplace all in order!!
I was concerned how it would look...But he worked wonders:)!!


  1. Wonders? It's gorgeous, and the "new" frame is beyond beautiful, but then you already know I love oak. Promise me you won't paint it. . .

  2. WoW!!!!!!! it is beyond beautiful!!! your husband is amazing, you are so good at repurposing items!!!

    and getting it done so quickly, it looks wonderful!!!!

  3. Oh, wow! That is gorgeous! So worth the mess and inconvenience!

  4. It was meant to be! Your photos made it look hassle free and it suits your room perfectly!

  5. That looks awesome! A few years ago I cleaned out my fireplace, bought some birch logs to put in the hearth and decided I was done using it. I'm tired of cleaning it out and there are only a few times when I can use it and not have all the heat from my furnace going up the chimney.

  6. Oh my gosh, honey I’ve felt your pain! Any time the project involves a hole in the wall, I cringe.

    Joking aside, the fireplace looks beautiful. I love how you and your husband chose to source materials you could re-purpose (up-cycle).

    Keep the faith in your hubby! Also, what kind of finish did you use at the end? I love the color.

    Lindsey Mckenzie @ Buchanan Fire And Outdoor


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National Puppy Day

Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.