Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday Morning...

I was going to do my Happy Homemaker Monday post...but I ran out of time....

The day had the beginnings of a not to Happy Monday morning....

After a hectic weekend of laying laminate...and finding I had muscles I didn't know I had....

at least I had a clean house to come home to relax in...

but at 9:30 a knock on my door...
I was suppose to have a 24 hour notice...that I didn't get...but the repair men were here to pick up our now everything in the laundry room is all over the house...until they bring the furnace back...

Those of you who really know me...know how much I like a mess in my house:)

But I am trying to take a deep breath... and remember...
"In everything to give thanks"!!
How else can I learn this...but to face these interruptions in my life!!!

I am looking forward to a day with my sister...a trip to the fabric store...and sewing a project this afternoon!....

So I am off for a fun day....


  1. enjoy your day out and away from mess. :)

  2. i detest chaos in the house. best to get out and have some fun away from it!!

  3. I do not like chaos in the house.
    I'm not a stickler but I like to have everything in its place.

  4. The chaos will wait - go have fun at the fabric store!

  5. They took your furnace out - doesn't the furnace heat the house - and aren't you in Canada? Hope you had fun. sandie

  6. Wonderful outlook. You will have a super day!

  7. I hope you had a fun time with your sister. I love getting things done but I can't handle the mess that comes with it.

  8. Sounds like you have a great day out planned with your sister - enjoy and forget about the mess in your house. :))

  9. That's odd they would take the furnace out instead of repair it in your suite, I've never heard of this before. I hope they didn't take it for too long, it's still cold especially at night.


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National Puppy Day

Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.