Tuesday, May 31, 2011

For the Birds

At 4:00 in the morning, I am often awaken by the songs of the birds...I love the sound! But being awaken that early is for the birds!!
Another mommy Robin
Her babies...I think will be flying away soon...
Just Hanging around...
Lunch Time
House of Purple Martins
It's a Common Loon out for a swim

Monday, May 30, 2011

Rowing Regatta

We had the priviledge of attending our grandson's Rowing Reggatta..

This is what A Day at the Regatta is like
Get the boat to the water
Ready the boat
First race is a double...we have to row to the start of the race!
Row like crazy back... we are gaining!!
We missed beating them by 1 second!
We're lucky we don't have to carry our boat back...other team members are using it!
Now for the singles race
Job Well Done
Now we bring in the boat...
Load the boats to go home!

Saturday, May 28, 2011



I just wonder what we were thinking!! Bronzing our children's first pair of shoes. It was when we where young and broke...yet we paid to get them bronzed???

They were packed away for years. About 6 years ago.. I unpacked them...I was in a state...you either use it or get rid of it. My kids don't want them..but I could not get rid of them. About a year ago I sat them by my front door in the entry... well they were close to the door! They actually look okay there...I even get positive comments. The other day as I moved them when I was cleaning... they brought back memories of my kids, I had to get the photo albums out and reminisce...I just may have to keep these! (Maybe their kids will want them someday?)

"Whatever they grow up to be, they are still our children, 
and the one most important of all the things we can give to them is unconditional love. 
Not a love that depends on anything at all except that they are our children." Rosaleen Dickson
"Children begin by loving their parents; 
as they grow older they judge them; 
sometimes, they forgive them"      
Oscar Wilde

Friday, May 27, 2011

Theatrical Sewing

I have a granddaughter who loves ' Theatre'. When she was little ...she always said she wanted to be a Clown when she grew up...well she no longer wants to be a Clown...but she LOVES to act, sing and dance and she is very good at what she does. She is now part of the Christian Youth Theatre.
 Last fall when we were away she was in 'Snow White'. 
We were very disappointed that we missed her performance. 
(She was little Snow White.)
This spring she is in Anne of Green Gables. She is Josie Pye. I'm not sure if I offered...or my daughter said I would sew a dress... 
I got the makings for the blue dress that Matthew bought Anne...with the puffy sleeves.
Makings for the dress.
Even though my granddaughter is not Anne, she is approximately the same size as the character Anne, so she became the model I fit the dress on.... I am almost finished...

Plus we had a few alterations to do on Josie's dress as well.

The first performance is mid June...so costumes should be 'tuned' and ready by then!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Winged Baby Pictures

Remember the Lady in waiting? Lady in Waiting

Well she did not have to wait long after that post.
 I have been collecting 'Baby Pictures'. 
Heh I'm the oldest!

Now that we are all here....

Let's start a quartet!!

Who would of thought they would have such big mouths?! 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lemonade Draw

Today I made the draw for the Lemonade Lotion . . . .

And the winner is.....

MOUNTAIN MAMA- Congratulations and I will be contacting you regarding delivery of your lotion! If you haven't yet check out her website.

I think this celebration deserves a Lemonade!  And a runner up Lotion to Omie for being consistence in her Lemonade comments...your persistence worked! I will be contacting you re delivery of your Lotion...great work and hope you keep up the GREAT COMMENTS with or without LEMONADE!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Cardston Alberta

I have a Travel Bucket list. On the list was having tea at the Cobblestone Manor in Cardston Alberta. I had read an article about the Manor and it boasted about their Apple Pie! The Manor sounded very interesting; here is a link for you to check it out. Cobblestone Manor
This long weekend we had a need to get away so we thought we would pay Cardston a visit.
Welcome to Cardston?
We knew very little about Cardston, but discovered some interesting things! It is about a 4 hour drive south from where we live, nestled in the rolling foothills, just 30 minutes from Waterton/Glacier International Peace Park. It was established in 1887 by Mormon pioneers from Utah who traveled to Alberta forming Canada's first Mormon settlement, in one of the century's last covered wagon migrations. Population of Cardston is around 3500. Apparently the population 100 years ago was around 3000, so not much growth there!
 They have a Mormon Temple that was built in the early 1900's.
The Card Pioneer Home was built by Cardston's founder in 1887 still stands in it's original location.
Their original Court House built in 1907 is now a museum.  Along with all you would expect to see in a court house...there is also the original jail cells complete with the graffiti.
The 'BEST indoor Attraction in Canada' (declared by Attractions Canada in a nationwide contest) - The Remington Carriage Museum boasts the largest collection of horse drawn vehicles in North American.
Carriage Rides are available.
The famous May Wray was born on a ranch by Cardston in 1907. May Wray was a Canadian-American Actress for a span of 57 years. She is best know for her role in King Kong. (I think the paint ran in this picture...it is by a fountain in her memory)
They have a wonderful Campground right in town along the Lee Creek. Close to paved biking trails. You can bike or walk all around town from there.
We ended up having supper at the Cobblestone Manor...

We had their famous Apple Pie for dessert.
We were very impressed with the town of Cardston...
One trip off my Bucket List!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

When life gets you down..

Do you have those times, when life gets you down?
You try to look for the rainbow...but it keeps fading away.
You just want to hide from everything...

You wonder if your purpose really counts....
When life gets me down.. the one thing that is picks me up is realizing...
God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, 
comfort for the tears, and light for the way.    
If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

May Long Weekend

May Long Weekend, three words that bring an oxymoron of feelings.
Warm long weekend -Freezing Blizzard  
Sitting at the beach - Sitting in front of your fireplace
Camping in the mountains - Stranded on a snowy highway
Planting gardens -Flowers Freezing
It has become a weekend that you really can't plan...as you never know what the weather will be like. This spring has been so slow in coming...it surely can't snow again?

This morning I enjoyed a walk down our lane and watch spring happen...it had rained (not snowed) the night before, there was a bit of haze but it was beautiful!

We may still get another blast of winter...but for this moment... it was spring.

National Puppy Day

Miss Pepperโ€ฆ..she changed our lifeโ€ฆ But life wouldnโ€™t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always โ€˜tryโ€™s๐Ÿ˜ณโ€™ to please.