Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Downtown Buildings in My Town

Second Post of MY TOWN... 
Historical Buildings in our downtown.
Flat Iron Building
Most of the older buildings in My Town are
Edwardian Buildings

Every town had its Chinese Restaurant. The Building on the right is ours. The inside decor is still from the 50's... AND they have the best chinese food around!!!
Orginal Hitching Post
New/Old Signs that have the old names for the streets


Have a cup of coffee! 
Shop in a few of the quaint stores.


  1. love the old town buildings with the trims on the top (i know there's a proper term for them, but i don't know it.) makes the downtown area look so quaint...

  2. what a fun tour.....thanks for inviting us along

  3. walking around your town would be great fun with a lemonade xo

  4. I love your photos! I adore old buildings and you've included some excellent history here. Thanks for the tour! :-)


Thanks for dropping by...

National Puppy Day

Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.