Tuesday, August 23, 2011

How Amazing...

Around our pool the fence is constantly filling up with cobwebs and I constantly clean them off! The other morning we had fog and when I walked around the fence all the webs were covered with dew and looked amazing. I tried to take some pictures with my little camera. A few didn't turn out to bad.

 That morning I saw the beauty in those webs and were amazed at how tiny the spider was that had spun this web! I had a look online at spider webs and WOW! How amazing!
 Here is the link if you want to have a look spider webs

"For me, the world of nature bears spectacular witness 
To the imaginative genius of our Creator."— Phillip Yancey,


  1. Hi, just love your cheery blog! I love spider webs, they are so intricate. You manage to capture a wonderful photo! Have a great week. blessings,Kathleen

  2. lovely. the original 'web site'. :)

  3. That is amazing-Gods creaion is overwhelming!! I am happy for all the aphids the spider webs are catching right now in my yard-there seems to be an outbreak of aphids-glad the spiders are doing their part to help out!!!!!

  4. BEAUTIFUL!! I was studying spider webs this morning as I walked my dog. I will admit to destroying and attempting to move spiders from my milkweed beds. I don't know, but I suspect they would enjoy feasting on my monarch caterpillars I do my best to nurture!

  5. The webs are so intricate and amazing, I don't like wrecking the work of art the spiders weave but if they're in my house then they're fair game! Have a great day Flora, fantastic shots of the webs!

  6. Just beautiful! I remember the first time we saw spider egg sacks. We were home schooling then. For a craft I spray painted a beautiful spider web and the kids pressed a piece of art paper to it.....instant masterpiece!

  7. nice!!! save that baby for halloween!!!

  8. Beautiful creation by one of nature's weavers. :)

  9. they are amazing aren't they....love this post...

  10. Love these....so pretty Mom!!! Im glad you took the time to take their pictures:)


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Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.