Friday, March 4, 2011

Date Farm

It has been about a year since we were first introduced to date farms. We have found that date farms often serve DATE SHAKES. So we were happy to see a date farm right beside our RV Park.
This date farm had an outside Cafe we couldn't resist...
Have you ever had a Date Salad? Complete with fresh pears, mango's roasted walnuts and blue cheese. It was delicious! 
Bye for now from warm sunny California!


  1. Wow! Looks like fun! Adrian remembers going to this one when he was little and he wants me to ask you if they still have the movie about the "Sex Life of the Date"!!!?
    Also he says look into Shields Date Crystals as a sugar substitute.
    Have a wonderful time and really enjoy your blog and seeing the beautiful spots you go too.
    Luv ya

  2. Not a fan of dates. I don't like the squishy consistency - kinda like plums, tomatoes, etc. Geeks me out!

  3. Oh lucky lucky!!!! I think I am going to make that salad today....(pffft! Yeah....with what? They don't have fresh dates or mangoes here:(
    I like the picture of you're looking a little tanned.
    Bye for now from beautiful snowy Alberta, Canada.

  4. How did I ever miss the date farm maybe another day


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National Puppy Day

Miss Pepper…..she changed our life… But life wouldn’t be as full without her! She is a kind sweet puppy that always ‘try’s😳’ to please.